Council on Technology and Engineering Teacher Education (CTETE)

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Resources (CTETE Members Only)

The Council on Technology and Engineering Teacher Education (CTETE) is an international professional organization that provides leadership in the areas of research, standards, and professional development for technology teacher educators.

Today’s CTETE was conceived in 1950 to promote industrial arts education. Originally named The American Council on Industrial Arts Teacher Education, ACIATE was officially founded at the 1950 AIAA Conference. Following the 1951 Conference a yearbook was produced to document the new organization, launching the organization’s yearbook series.

ITEEA members can join CTETE today for $25!
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(Note: ITEEA Professional members receive one complimentary Council membership, which must be selected at the time of joining or renewing.)

The first of two name changes occurred in 1986. Renamed the Council of Technology Teacher Education (CTTE), this change coincided with the Council’s parent organization name change from AIAA to the International Technology Education Association (ITEA). Although the organization was renamed once again, in 2012, to the Council on Technology & Engineering Teacher Education, CTETE’s  goals have remained the same: to support excellence in technology teacher education, and to stimulate research in areas of interest to the profession. CTETE also provides access to publications that focus on the professional development of technology teacher educators. Most notable among these are the CTETE Yearbook series and CTETE monographs. Members also publish the Journal of Technology Education, the premiere juried publication for the technology education profession.

CTETE provides leadership to technology and engineering teacher educators. Benefits of CTETE membership include:

  • Access to a community of teacher educators to network with and assist each other.
  • Eligibility for CTETE awards and recognition, including Technology and Engineering Teacher Educator of the Year award, the Council’s highest honor.
  • Invitation to participate in or present research-based conference sessions at the ITEEA Annual Conference.
  • Access to valuable teacher educator resources including CTETE yearbooks, the Journal of Technology Education, and the contemporary issues in technology education book series.
  • Eligibility to run for CTETE officer positions and/or serve on standing and strategic committees that provide members with opportunities to hold leadership roles and to become actively involved in Council functions. 

We conduct Council business meetings annually at the ITEEA Conference. The CTETE conference programs are available on the Conference page. 

We sponsor conference sessions that provide an opportunity for professionals from throughout technology and engineering teacher education to report on, and learn more about, topics related to Council goals.

We offer both standing and strategic committees which provide members with opportunities to hold leadership roles and to become actively involved in Council functions.

We publish the CTETE Yearbook, which is written and edited by professionals in the field.

We recognize outstanding leaders in technology and engineering teacher education through our annual Technology and Engineering Teacher Educator of the Year award, the Council’s highest honor, and through other professional awards.

CTETE Executive Committee

  • Clark Greene
    Clark Greene
    Buffalo State College (716)361-4893
  • Steven Shumway
    Steven Shumway
    PhD Professor Brigham Young University (801)422-6300
    Past President
  • Jerianne Taylor
    Jerianne Taylor
    EdD, DTE Professor & CTE Program Director Appalachian State Univ. Career Studies, and Leadership Development 18282626352
    Vice President
  • Bradley Bowen
    Bradley Bowen
    Assistant Professor (919)696-0964
  • Joseph Furse
    Joseph Furse
    PhD Assistant Professor Utah State University 14357971802
  • Euisuk Sung
    Euisuk Sung
    Assistant Professor (765)714-9883
    Communication Director

CTETE Standing Committee

  • John G. Wells
    John G. Wells
    PhD, DTE Professor of Technology Education Virginia Tech Integrative STEM Education Grad Program 15402318471
    JTE Management Board (Editor)
  • Philip A. Reed
    Philip A. Reed
    Professor Old Dominion University 17576834305
    JTE Management Board (Editor)
  • Steven Shumway
    Steven Shumway
    PhD Professor Brigham Young University (801)422-6300
    Nominations and Elections & Yearbook Committee

CTETE Strategic Committee

  • Scott R Bartholomew
  • Fred Figliano
    Troy University 19086423133
    Research and Scholarship
  • Tyler S Love
    Tyler S Love
    Ph.D., DTE Professor of T&E Education and CTE Penn State Univeristy 14107274808
  • Daniel Kelly
    Teacher Preparation
  • Aaron C. Clark
    Professor/Dept. Head North Carolina State University - Dept of STEM Ed 19195156900
    Leadership Development
  • Rod Thompson
    University of Wyoming at Casper (307)259-0121
    Leadership Development