Unique Branding

High-Visibility Partnerships

REACH Challenge

Sponsoring the ITEEA REACH Challenge is an opportunity to support school programs to participate and reward them through an impactful Adaptive & Assistive Technology (AT) design-thinking project for middle school, high school, and college level STEM programs, showcasing ITEEA’s mission that “Technology and Engineering Bring STEM to Life”! Teachers are guided through a series of lessons to lead their students in using their STEM skills to REACH a member of their community who has a challenge to overcome. This innovative project shows teachers how they can help students use their STEM skills to help overcome human challenges for social good.

Capital Campaign Matching Sponsor

ITEEA seeks a matching sponsor for donations collected. ITEEA’s Foundation supports programs that make children technologically literate, transfer industrial and corporate research into our schools, produce models of excellence in STEM through technology and engineering teaching, create public awareness about the nature of technology and engineering education, and help technology and engineering teachers maintain a competitive edge in technology. Includes very generous benefits, recognition, and acknowledgments.

STEM Center for Teaching and Learning

For more than 20 years ITEEA’s STEM Center for Teaching and Learning™ had been leading efforts to strengthen professional development and advance technological and engineering literacy through four goals:

The STEM Center offers sponsors and partners direct connections with practicing teachers, administrators, and policy makers through:

  • Curriculum Product Alignment
  • Professional Development Sponsorship
  • Industry Certificate Partnership
  • Materials List Recommendations
No other national STEM program has the history, prestige, and reach of the STEM Center.
Partner benefits are significant and can include:
  • Material and/or curriculum recommendations
  • Rights to host and/or participate in ITEEA’s STEMinars
  • Product and service content development coordination
  • Considerable logo branding throughout the STEM Center website and materials
  • Ad visibility in EbD Consortium publications


Veterans Make Great STEM Teachers Scholarship

Support veterans currently enrolled as students pursuing either an undergraduate or graduate degree as a Technology and Engineering teacher. This program serves to honor those who have served our country and are now committed to serving/teaching our students.

21st Century Leadership Academy

Help rising technology and engineering educators from across the globe to grow as leaders, develop community, and enjoy experiences related to the promotion of technology and engineering education and technological and engineering literacy in our schools. Your support will provide this small cohort of engaged future leaders with an unforgettable expererience!


ITEEA’s professional learning STEMinars share proven instructional strategies and ideas that support delivery of the best possible I-STEM Ed instructional processes and practices. Hosted approximately montly, ITEEA STEMinars are the perfect opportunity to get in front of a proactive, engaged, targeted audience—your ideal market.

Sponsor receives recognition in all promotion, STEMinar webpage, and STEMinar slide deck, plus offers welcome remarks to attendees. Receive contact information for all participants for each sponsored STEMinar.

Contact Emily Shetzer at eshetzer@iteea.org