The Elementary STEM Council (ESC)

Awards & Recognition ESC News Resources (ESC Members Only)

The Elementary STEM Council (ESC) is an affiliate of ITEEA promoting technology and engineering education in the elementary school by supporting teachers with instructional materials and inservice monographs, workshops and technology activity curriculum packages. 

ITEEA members can join ESC today for $25!
Not yet a member? Join ITEEA now!

(Note: ITEEA Professional members receive one complimentary Council membership, which must be selected at the time of joining or renewing.)

ESC promotes technology and engineering education for the elementary schools and builds a collaborative network of educators dedicated to the advancement of technological and engineering literacy at the elementary level. Benefits of ESC membership include:

  • Access to professional development opportunities that promote understanding and build capacity in teaching technology and engineering at the elementary level.
  • Access to elementary technology and engineering resources that promote children’s creativity, ingenuity, and design-based problem solving skills.
  • Invitation to meetings, workshops, and events at the ITEEA Annual Conference, which cater to the needs of those integrating technology and engineering concepts and skills at the elementary level.
  • Contribute to promotion of the study of technology and engineering as a vital aspect in every elementary school.
  • Eligibility for ESC awards and recognition, including participation in the annual Global Design Challenge!
  • Eligibility to run for ESC officer positions.


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ESC Executive Board

  • Virginia R. Jones
    Virginia R. Jones
    Academy of Fellows, EL, DTE, 21st Century Adjunct Professor, Old Dominion University (434)579-5174
  • Tracy Young
    Tracy Young
    STEAM Specialist Little Falls City School District at Benton Hall Academy 13157179752
  • Julie Sicks-Panus, DTE
    Julie Sicks-Panus, DTE
    MEd Curriculum & Instruction, Certified Tech Ed/STEM K-12 and Math 5-8 K-8 Elementary STEM Teacher Plymouth Elementary School 16035361152192
  • Chase Rohan
    Chase Rohan
    STEM Specialist Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Virginia (434)971-9411
  • Octavia Tripp
    Octavia Tripp
    Vice President of Communication
  • Cathrine Maiorca
    Cathrine Maiorca
    Assistant Professor California State Univeristy Northridge (818)677-2621
    Past President and ESC Board Member
  • Kimberly M Bradshaw
    Kimberly M Bradshaw
    Executive Director of Elementary Instruction Roanoke County Schools 5405623900
    Outreach and Elementary Teacher Engagement