ITEEA Committees & Task Forces
ITEEA's standing Committees include:
AWARDSProvide recognition to members and programs as they advance as leaders in the profession and/or contribute to the excellence of technology and engineering education. Chair: Byron McKay |
CONFERENCE PLANNINGAid in planning all aspects of ITEEA’s Annual Conference – except for selecting professional learning sessions – to increase attendance and enhance the Conference experience.
CONFERENCE PROGRAMReview and select quality programming for ITEEA’s Annual Conference and coordinate with ITEEA staff on communication to presenters, scheduling, and logistics.
ELECTIONSIdentify the slate of officers for the Association consistent with the ITEEA Bylaws.
MEMBERSHIPAssess prospective member needs, inform enhancements to member benefits, and recommend strategies to best recruit and retain Association membership.
STANDARDSLead and coordinate the development and marketing of ITEEA standards and related resources.
Chair: Tyler Love
Staff Contact: TBD |
21st CENTURY LEADERSHIP ACADEMYVision, plan, and implement ITEEA’s 21st Century Leadership Academy to grow future leaders for the technology and engineering education profession and ITEEA.
ITEEA’s Task Forces are assigned a specific task to study and make recommendations to the ITEEA Board of Directors. Task Force members are recommended by the Immediate Past President, appointed by the President, and approved by the Board. ITEEA’s Task Forces vary year to year and are often aligned with the strategic plan.
ITEEA's current Task Forces include:
22-03 COMMUNICATION AND ADVOCACYDevelop a consistent message of who ITEEA is, who we serve, and what we do.
23-01 STUDENT MEMBERSHIPExplore opportunities for enhancing ITEEA’s student membership model, benefits, and the transition to professional membership to drive student membership growth and increased student member value.
24-01 GOVERNANCE ISSUESExplore enhancements and revisions to existing policies, procedures, and governance requirements to provide equitable opportunities and embrace diverse perspectives in ITEEA leadership positions.