Membership in ITEEA

ITEEA membership is open to all supporters of technology, engineering, and STEM educators including inservice and preservice teachers, administrators, supervisors, teacher educators, advocates, elementary, middle, and high schools, institutions, and companies.

Learn more about ITEEA's member types and benefits below!

Professional | Advocate | Student

Elementary | Middle | High School




Member Application PDF | Member Benefits | Member Insurance 


Your membership makes a difference!
In addition to the individual and group benefits you receive, memberships like yours have helped to:
Provide Leadership in the Field
Whether it ’s working collaboratively to update content standards for the profession, creating strategic partnerships inside and outside the field, or working on projects that will benefit technology and engineering teachers, ITEEA is at the forefront of efforts to move our mission forward.
Support the Future of T&E Education
ITEEA supports programs that make our children technologically literate; transfer industrial and corporate research into our schools; produce models of excellence in STEM through T&E teaching; create public awareness regarding the nature of T&E education; and help T&E teachers maintain a competitive edge.
Provide Professional Learning Opportunities
ITEEA conducts numerous professional learning opportunities including Xperience Labs, Educator Xchanges, training and development programs, and hosts the largest annual gathering of technology and engineering educators in the world.
Recognize Excellence in T&E Education
ITEEA sponsors an active honors and awards program that recognizes outstanding teachers, schools, and programs. ITEEA also presents award certificates and supports other programs that recognize outstanding efforts in the technology and engineering teaching profession.
Advocate for T&E Education
ITEEA conducts a vigorous public policy program frequently providing information to government agencies, associations, and other special interest groups concerning technology and engineering education.
...and MORE!
By joining ITEEA, you agree to adhere to ITEEA’s Code of Conduct