Technology and Engineering Education - Vol 2, #2

Technology's Impact on Teaching and Learning
CREATIVITY AND DESIGN: AN INVALUABLE RELATIONSHIP: The authors set out to highlight that solving engineering design problems does not mean that creativity cannot be used, but rather that creativity should be used to foster and support student learning.
INTEGRATING STEM DISCIPLINES: From Numbers to Narratives: Tapping the Potential of Mathematics Talks and Engineering Design
Explores how integrating narratives with mathematics provides a dynamic and engaging way for students to connect mathematics with real-world contexts and prepare them for complex challenges.
ELEMENTARY STEM IN ACTION: Using Machine Learning to Identify Triangles with Early Elementary Children
Describes an activity using Google’s open access Teachable Machine with first grade geometry standards in which students trained Teachable Machine to recognize examples and nonexamples of triangles.
BRINGING STEM TO LIFE: Making a Life: Redefining the Value of Technology and Engineering Education
The article makes a case for technology and engineering to consider their teaching structures and methods for ways in which they can foster the development and growth of dispositions.
ELEMENTARY STEM IN ACTION: The Development and Impact of an Elementary Robotics Competition on 4th and 5th Grade Students
To build on a vertically aligned STEM curriculum that has robotics as a major focus area, the authors decided to expand the reach of robotics competition and offer the opportunity for students in upper elementary school to participate in an event.
- Josie Gage
- Maddie Hansen