Professional Bio
Mrs. Tracy Young is the STEAM Specialist at Benton Hall Academy in Little Falls, NY. Mrs. Young is the ITEEA Engineering by Design instructor for over 500 students in Kindergarten through fifth grade. She is the secretary of the ITEEA Elementary STEM Council as she has been since 2016. In that time, she has presented at the ITEEA National Conferences in Kansas City, Baltimore, Orlando and Minneapolis. Tracy also has presented at the 2022 and 2023 NYSTEEA Conferences as well as the Fall 2022 Technology conference at SUNY Oswego. She co-teaches an EBD class at Purdue University with Dr. Nathan Metzer. During the school year, Mrs. Young facilitates collaborative field work with Utica University students in person in her STEAM Lab as well as virtually as needed. Tracy received the NYSTEEA STEM Teacher of Excellence Award in 2022 and the ITEEA Mary Margaret Scobey Award. Benton Hall Academy received the ITEEA STEM School of Excellence award at ITEEA 2023. Tracy is also the Marketing Manager of The New York State Technology and Engineering Educators Association (NYSTEEA) and is also a member of the New York State STEM Collaborative where she won the Margaret Ashida STEM Leadership Award.